恐龍5 - Dinosaurs5

Dinosaur egg fossils all over the world


Dinosaur egg fossil


Period: Late Cretaceous (80 million years old)
Location: Central Asia
Size: 16.3 cm x 8.2 cm x 5.2 cm
Well preserved Oval-shaped dinosaur egg. The eggshell is almost fully intact and covers most of the surface of the egg. Detailed texture to the eggshells. Museum quality beautiful dinosaur egg. This egg should belongs to a Theropod dinosaur.(Sandblaster prepared)
(Please inquire for more details)
年代: 白堊紀晚期 (八千萬年前)
產地: 南美洲
尺寸: 16.3 x 8.2 x 5.2 厘米
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